Friday, May 18, 2007
The Journal of Research in Rural Education has recently published "Standards-Based Reform of Mathematics Education in Rural High Schools," by Aimee Howley, William Larson, Solange Andrianaivo, Megan Rhodes, and Marged Howley (Ohio University). Itcan be accessed directly from
Abstract: Researchers interviewed rural high school principals in order to learn about reform of mathematics education in their schools. Twenty principals from three rural regions of Ohio participated. A member of the research team conducted asemi-structured interview with each principal. Analysis of interview data suggested that schools were undertaking reform of mathematics education in response to state accountability standards and tests. Principals understood the reforms in a cursoryway, recognizing that the reform agenda focused in a general sense on math for understanding, technology, and real world applications of mathematics. Their responses indicated that the reforms adopted at their schools neither fully embraced thereform agenda nor completely ignored it. Instead, the reforms tended to entail incremental changes involving curriculum alignment, minor modifications of curriculum content, and provision of individualized instruction.
Citation: Howley, A., Larson, W., Solange, A., Rhodes, M., & Howley, M. (2007, May 17). Standards-based reform of mathematics education in rural high schools. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 22(2). Retrieved [date] from
Theodore Coladarci, Editor
Tags: JRRE, AERA, small schools, rural, education
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