Friday, January 26, 2007
Award of Interest to Division C members
Nominations Sought for the E. L. Thorndike Award
Division 15
Educational Psychology
This award is given only to living recipients, for career achievements (not for one or a few excellent pieces of research), for research ineducational psychology (rather than psychology in general or education in general), and for original, scientific, empirically based research (rather than for textbooks or reviews). Additionally, the award should be for research in the best tradition of educational psychology. That is, the award should be for original, scientific, empirically based research that contributes significantly to knowledge, theory, or practice in educational psychology. Research consisting primarily of critiques of other researchers’ works, reviews of research, and the preparation of textbooks would not qualify by these criteria. The scientific production and testing of theory, methods of teaching or learning, instructional products, tests, evaluation techniques, and the like\nwould qualify by this criterion.
Nomination procedures:
Any member of Division 15 in APA can nominate a scholar for the Thorndike Award by submitting the following:
- Name and e-mail address of submitter
- Name, address, phone number, e-mail address of nominee
- Article by nominee as an example of scholarship (or internet link)
- Full Vita of the nominee (or internet link)
This information may be submitted electronically or by mail to the Chair of the Thorndike Award committee, David C. Berliner.
E-submissions to
Mail to David C. Berliner, Regents’ Professor of Education, Mary Lou Fulton College of Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-2411
Barbara L. McCombs, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist and Director
Human Motivation, Learning, and Development Center
University of Denver Research Institute
2050 E. Iliff Avenue, Boettcher East - Room 224
Denver, CO 80208
(303) 871-4245 Office
(303) 871-2716 Fax
Tags: AERA, small schools, rural, education
Labels: AERA, education, rural, small schools