Friday, October 27, 2006
Education Review Publishes Reviews
The Education Review is an open access journal that has published reviews of books in education continuously since 1998. Its address on the world wide web is
The Education Review publishes reviews in Spanish and Portuguese as well as in English. The following books has just been reviewed:
Education Review has also inaugurated a new section of peer-reviewed essay reviews, and welcomes submissions to this new department. Essay reviews are special peer-reviewed articles that examine in depth one or more recent books of particular significance on a single topic. Essay reviews are generally between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length,although longer reviews are welcome. For instructions on submitting a manuscript for possible publication, see the website.Street, Brian V. (Ed.) (2005). Literacies Across Educational Contexts: Mediating Learning and Teaching. Philadelphia: Caslon Publishing.
Reviewed by Sandria P. Officer, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.
Handel, Michael J. (2005). Worker Skills and Job Requirements: Is There a Mismatch? Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute.
Reviewed by Cynthia Cameros, Johns Hopkins University.Nic Craith, Mairead. (2006). Europe and the politics of language: Citizens, migrants, and outsiders. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
Reviewed by Joseph Axel, Arizona State University.
Education Review has just published the following essay review:
This review can be accessed under Recent Reviews on the journal homepage for Thought: An Essay Review
Mark Fetler Herman, Joan L. and Haertel, Edward H. (2005). Uses and Misuses of Data for Educational Accountability and Improvement.The 104th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Part 2. Malden, Massachusetts and Oxford, England.Blackwell Publishing. Pp. xvi + 383 $39.95 ISBN 1405152605
Citation: Fetler, Mark. (2 006, October 19). Food for thought: An essay review. Education Review, 9(7). Retrieved [date] from
Gene V Glass, Editor
Kate Corby, Brief Reviews Editor
Gustavo Fischman, Editor for Spanish & Portuguese
Tags: Education Review, AERA, small schools, rural, education