Sunday, August 27, 2006
Education Review: Seeking Volunteer Book Reviewers
Dear Colleagues:
The Education review is an open access, scholarly journal of reviews of books in education that has published over 1,630 book reviews since its inception in 1998. The Education Review is available on the web at
The following books are in need of reviewers. If you are interested in being selected to review any of these books, please send your name and postal address and a short note regarding your research interests and expertise to
Kate Paxton
Identify the book you wish to review. Please do not volunteer to review more than three books. We cannot fill all requests. Reviewers not selected will be kept on file for future opportunities. If you wish further details on any book listed below, you should do an internet search on the book title plus author's name.
We receive many more volunteers than we have books to be reviewed. Don't wait to be selected; pick any book in your specialty with a copyright date not more than two years old and send us your review. Multiple reviews of books that have already appeared in Education Review are also welcome.
Barone, Diane M.
Narrowing the Literacy Gap: What Works in High-Poverty Schools
Barron, Nancy G. (Ed.)
Social Change in Diverse Teaching Contexts: Touchy Subjects and Routine Practices
Cooper, Tuesday L.
The Sista' Network: African-American Women Faculty Successfully Negotiating the Road to Tenure
Doyle, Clar
Reading and Teaching Henry Giroux
Dunn, Thea B.
Mathematical Success for Students on the Margin: Voices, Practice, and Promise
Fayden, Terese
How Children Learn: Getting Beyond the Deficit Myth
Feinberg, Walter
For Goodness Sake: Religious Schools and Education for Democratic Citizenry
Ferri, Beth A.
Reading Resistance: Discourses of Exclusion in Desegregation and Inclusion Debates
Fowler, Leah G.
A Curriculum of Difficulty: Narrative Research in Education and the Practice of Teaching
Gallien, Louis B.
Instructing and Mentoring the African American College Student: Strategies for Success in Higher Education
Grant, S. G. (Ed.)
Measuring History: Cases of State-Level Testing Across the United States
Hess, Frederick M.
No Child Left Behind
Hoerr, Thomas R.
The Art of School Leadership
Ingersoll, Richard M.
Who Controls Teachers' Work? Power and Accountability in America's Schools
Johnston, James Scott
Inquiry and Education: John Dewey and the Quest for Democracy
Keyes, Marian
It Takes a School: Closing Achievement Gaps Through Culturally Responsive Schools
Kinash, Shelley
Seeing Beyond Blindness
Manning, Kathleen
One Size Does Not Fit All: Traditional and Innovative Models of Student Affairs Practice
McLaren, Peter (Ed.)
Rage of Hope: Interviews with Peter McLaren on War, Imperialism, and Critical Pedagogy
Moskal, Jeanne
Teaching British Women Writers: 1750-1900
Mujtaba, Bahaudin G.
Adult Education in Academia: Recruiting and Retaining Extraordinary Facilitators of Learning
Olivos, Edward M.
The Power of Parents: A Critical Perspective of Bicultural Parent Involvement in Public Schools
Reid, William A.
The Pursuit of Curriculum: Schooling and the Public Interest
Riley, Karen L. (Ed.)
Social Reconstruction: People, Politics, Perspectives
Salili, Farideh
Religion in Multicultural Education
Shipps, Dorothy
School Reform, Corporate Style: Chicago, 1880-2000
Silova, Iveta
From Sites of Occupation to Symbols of Multiculturalism: Reconceptualizing Minority Education in Post-Soviet Latvia
Simpson, Douglas J.
John Dewey
Solmon, Lewis C.
The Last Silver Bullet?: Technology for America's Schools
Sosnoski, James J. (Ed.)
Configuring History: Teaching the Harlem Renaissance through Virtual Reality Cityscapes
Spillane, James P.
Standards Deviation: How Schools Misunderstand Education Policy
Sunal, Dennis W.
The Impact of State and National Standards on K-12 Science Teaching
Taylor, Kevin M.
American Evangelicals and Religious Diversity: Subcultural Education, Theological Boundaries, and the Relativization of Tradition
Thompson, Gail L.
Through Ebony Eyes: What Teachers Need to Know But Are Afraid to Ask About African American Students
Tierney, William G. (Ed.)
Urban High School Students and the Challenge of Access: Many Routes, Difficult Paths
Zhang, Li-fang
The Nature of Intellectual Styles
Gene V Glass, Editor
Kate Corby, Brief Reviews Editor
Gustavo Fischman, Editor for Spanish & Portuguese
Tags: Education Review, AERA, small schools, rural, education