Sunday, August 20, 2006
Blogging About Rural Education
Take Me Away
By michaellarnold
Sometimes it's easy to take for granted how fortunate we are to live in wonderful rural places. My high school classmate Cowboy Brad Fitch recorded a song that reminds me of that every time I hear it. Take Me Away...
Eleanor Roosevelt on the first White House Conference on Rural Education
By michaellarnold
I ran across an interview with Eleanor Roosevelt in which mentions the first White House Conference on Rural Education that was held October 3-5, 1944. This I Believe About Rural Schools was originally published by Chari Ormand Williams in The...
Rural Students & Reading
By michaellarnold
Rural 12th grade students who were eligible for free and reduced priced lunches scored higher on the 2003 NAEP Reading Assessment than did those from central cities and urban fringes. Ok, rural students scored only 1 point higher than urban...
Tags: AERA, small schools, rural, education