Monday, May 10, 2010
Article - A visit to a rural preschool in China
A visit to a rural preschool in ChinaTags: AERA, small schools, rural, educationAbstract During a visit to a rural kindergarten (preschool) in China, children were observed in activities that integrated their learning with the lives of their families and their village, focusing on different types of plants being grown and harvested in the fields. Although many aspects of the program do not meet standards used in developed countries, the ability of the teacher to plan and conduct large group activities was admirable and the children displayed many positive behaviors.
- Content Type Journal Article
- DOI 10.1007/BF03174660
- Authors
- Kathleen Sparkes, Onondaga Community College Early Childhood Education Program Syracuse New York
- Journal International Journal of Early Childhood
- Online ISSN 1878-4658
- Print ISSN 0020-7187
- Journal Volume Volume 22
- Journal Issue Volume 22, Number 2 / September, 1990
Labels: AERA, education, rural, small schools