Thursday, May 14, 2009
Call for Manuscripts: The High School Journal
School of Education
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB 3500, Peabody Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 28599-3500
The High School Journal publishes articles discussing the multiple dimensions of secondary education. We welcome original manuscripts that investigate or problematize issues of relevance to secondary students, teachers, and schools.
We are especially interested at this time in manuscripts addressing issues related to the Obama administration’s plans for secondary education as well as manuscripts addressing the impact of the current economic crisis on secondary education. However, all manuscripts related to secondary education are welcome and encouraged.
For inquiries or to submit a manuscript:
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to Please include:
- Cover Letter including the name, contact information and affiliation of the author. If the manuscript is co-authored, please indicate to whom the correspondence should be addressed. Please clarify in the cover letter that the particular work is not under consideration by any other publication sources.
- One full copy of the manuscript typed double-spaced (including quotations and references) on 8.5" x 11" paper with 1" margins. Manuscripts should run between 10 and 25 pages in typed length and should include an abstract. Text should be double-spaced throughout in a 12 point font, preferably saved as a Microsoft Word document.
- One blind copy of the manuscript using the word author instead of your name. Remove coauthor names and affiliations.
- Tables and figures as needed. Any information from footnotes and appendixes should be incorporated in the main text.
The High School Journal is a publication of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education.
Tags: AERA, small schools, rural, education
Labels: AERA, education, rural, small schools