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Thursday, May 31, 2007


Seeking editor for The Rural Educator

While I have you here, I should note that we are looking for new contributors for the Rural Education SIG website as well (e-mail mkbarbour@gmail.com).


A message from Patti Chance (patti.chance@unlv.edu).

Hello all,I was hoping you could please get the word out to Rural SIG members--NREA is seeking a new editor for The Rural Educator. I will stepping down after 5 years--time for someone else to take this on. I've attached an announcement. Thanks for helping get the word out.

(See attached file: CALL FOR JOURNAL EDITOR.doc)

Patti L. Chance, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Program Coordinator, PK-12 Education Leadership
Department of Educational Leadership
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 3002
Las Vegas, NV 89154-3002
Phone: (702) 895-1696
E-Mail: patti.chance@unlv.edu



National Rural Education Association

The National Rural Education Association is in search of an Editor for “The Rural Educator” to assume responsibilities by Spring, 2008 with first publication in Fall 2008. Editorship is a five year appointment. Financial support for printing and distribution of the journal will be provided by the Association.

Job Functions:

Work with the Editorial Board and Executive Director to continue to produce a high quality journal based on the needs of the readership
Manage the flow, edit and publish selected manuscripts
Correspond with authors submitting manuscripts
Work successfully with guest editors, graduate assistants, and/or clerical/secretarial staff


Must be associated with an institution actively involved in NREA
University support by providing graduate assistant and secretarial help
Ability to devote adequate time to the editorship and possesses a credible record of scholarly publication
Ability to effectively communicate with authors, Editorial Review Board members and association personnel
To apply submit the following proposal items electronically:

Proposed editor(s)/associate editor(s) with vita and qualifications. Indicate how responsibilities will be allocated.
A letter of support/commitment from the Dean and University outlining services they will provide (e.g. release time, graduate students, secretarial assistance, etc.)
Statement of unique positive features/implications of your department/university for the editorship
A vision statement for the journal and how you will put your vision into action

Submit proposals by September 1, 2007 to:

Dr. Jody Isernhagen, Chair
National Rural Education Association Editorial Board
132 TEAC Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0360
e-mail: jisernhagen3@unl.edu

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Friday, May 18, 2007



A message from Diane Belanger (Diane_Belanger@umit.maine.edu) to RURALSIG@listserv.unl.edu

The Journal of Research in Rural Education has recently published "Standards-Based Reform of Mathematics Education in Rural High Schools," by Aimee Howley, William Larson, Solange Andrianaivo, Megan Rhodes, and Marged Howley (Ohio University). Itcan be accessed directly from http://www.umaine.edu/jrre/22-2.htm

Abstract: Researchers interviewed rural high school principals in order to learn about reform of mathematics education in their schools. Twenty principals from three rural regions of Ohio participated. A member of the research team conducted asemi-structured interview with each principal. Analysis of interview data suggested that schools were undertaking reform of mathematics education in response to state accountability standards and tests. Principals understood the reforms in a cursoryway, recognizing that the reform agenda focused in a general sense on math for understanding, technology, and real world applications of mathematics. Their responses indicated that the reforms adopted at their schools neither fully embraced thereform agenda nor completely ignored it. Instead, the reforms tended to entail incremental changes involving curriculum alignment, minor modifications of curriculum content, and provision of individualized instruction.

Citation: Howley, A., Larson, W., Solange, A., Rhodes, M., & Howley, M. (2007, May 17). Standards-based reform of mathematics education in rural high schools. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 22(2). Retrieved [date] fromhttp://www.umaine.edu/jrre/22-2.pdf

Theodore Coladarci, Editor

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