Wednesday, November 22, 2006
JRRE Publication
The Journal of Research in Rural Education has just published Volume 21 Number 12, "Enclosure Then and Now: Rural Schools and Communities in the Wake of Market-Driven Agriculture," by Paul Theobald and Ronald S. Rochon (Buffalo State College). Itcan be accessed directly from
Abstract: We offer an historically-based analysis of a new phenomenon affecting rural schools and communities: animal confinement operations. A contrast is made between “enclosure” as it unfolded in England a few centuries ago and the way animalconcentration units constitute a second, “modern” form of enclosure today. In both instances, as this essay demonstrates, rural populations have suffered markedly.
Citation: Theobald, P., & Rochon, R. S. (2006, November 23). Enclosure then and now: Rural schools and communities in the wake of market-driven agriculture. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 21(12). Retrieved [date] from
Theodore Coladarci, Editor
Tags: AERA, small schools, rural, education