Saturday, April 22, 2006
Blogging About Small Schools
Educating Education Writers: Great Article on Special Education
17 Apr 2006 by Liz "It is unreasonable to expect small schools to provide the level of expertise thatis needed for each specific disability." Special education wasn't part of the plan.When Lisa and Kelly Linton's second son, Jeffrey, was born, ...
I Speak of Dreams -
Reflections and Accomplishments
17 Apr 2006 by Marvin Hoot 1989-1990: My wife, Apryl, and I were heavily involved with community members,throughout the EACS district, in saving our small schools from consolidation.I was a member of the research committee for one of the community organizations ...
Marvin Hoot - A Voice for Integrity -
"small schools" meeting
6 Jul 2005 by peterlevine Today is CIRCLE's event at the National Press Club on the civic potential ofthe "small schools" movement. In all, thousands of new high schools are beingcreated in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other big cities. ...
Peter Levine -
Education Reform: file it for future reading
18 Apr 2006 by IowaEnnui I'm not suggesting that small schools actively hide their minority scores toavoid the NCLB sticks, but running complicated stats to provide some level ofreporting data probably doesn’t seem worth the time and costs, particularly if ...
Things Going Round & Round -
New York City: random searches for public school students
18 Apr 2006 by WorldProutAssembly For the vast majority of the city’s youth, however, there are the large schoolsthat increasingly resemble holding pens and a panoply of often ill-conceived “smallschools” that promise a better education but, for the most part, ...
World Prout Assembly -
Small Schools Institute gets high marks
20 Jan 2006 It was only fitting that Florida, the state with the largest high schools in thenation and the lowest high school completion rates, would provide the settingfor the 5th Annual Small Schools Institute earlier this week. ...
Mike Klonsky's Small Talk -
Asa and Beebe differ over school closure.
14 Apr 2006 by proud conservative Small Schools are incredibly important in Arkansas. Schools help define a community,and when you close a school you take away an incredibly important part of thatcommunity. Beebe and his consolidation friends are wrong on this issue. ...
Arkansas Family Coalition- -
Notes from the Blogosphere: Oakland, BayCES, Privatization & the AFT
23 Feb 2006 We of course, had great hopes for Oakland's small-schools movement. But notif small schools becomes another code word for privately-managed charters. ...A great discussion of small schools has started on the AFT blog at: ...
Mike Klonsky's Small Talk -
Peter Majoy recently heard Jonathan Kozol, and the...
23 Jan 2006 by Jim Horn There are good small schools which are good because each of them "is defined notonly by its size but also by its sense of mission, with a teaching staff thattruly wants to be there in the first place." Kozol praises Debbie Meier's ...
Schools Matter -
Tags: blog, blogging, blogs, AERA, small schools, rural, education