Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Rural Systemic Initiative Celebrates 10 Years of Success
Dr. Keith Smith, director of the Coalfield Rural Systemic Initiative at Edvantia, announces a forum and luncheon designed to celebrate 10 years of success by the nation’s Rural Systemic Initiative (RSI) projects, funded by the National Science Foundation. The Forum on Leveraging a Legacy of Leadership in Mathematics and Science Education will present successes and lessons learned from projects that have helped small rural school districts make systemwide improvements. These improvements have created new opportunities for teacher leadership and have improved student achievement in mathematics and science. The forum will be held on July 16, 2008, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Room 2325 of the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC.
To assure adequate mathematics and science expertise to sustain our national leadership in innovation and scientific enterprises, we must illuminate and reflect on important lessons learned about improving mathematics and science teaching, learning, and leadership. The Rural Systemic Initiative has help to make such improvements in some of the least advantaged and most rural schools in America, schools that educate over 30 percent of our nation’s K-12 students.
The forum will showcase presentations by two panels. The first will include six RSI practitioners from Alaska, Kentucky, Mississippi, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. They are teacher leaders, a principal, a superintendent, district coordinators, and staff from an institution of higher education. Each practitioner will talk about how they have used leadership capacity to make and sustain mathematics and science education improvements that would not have been possible without the professional and personal development provided through their RSI experience.
The second panel will feature representatives from key agencies that have a high level of involvement in mathematics and science education. These agencies include the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and U.S. Department of Energy. The panelists will be asked to consider the presentations of the practitioner panel and suggest ways that their agencies’ education programs in rural areas could link to and/or benefit from the legacy of the RSI projects.
To register for the forum or sign up to receive a copy of the proceedings after the event, go to http://www.edvantia.org/about/news/index.cfm?&t=news&c=forum080716
You may also want to read A Legacy of Leadership and Lessons Learned: Results from the Rural Systemic Initiatives for Improving Mathematics and Science Education. This report is available for free download at http://www.edvantia.org/products/pdf/RSI_Report_0706.pdf.
Tags: AERA, small schools, rural, education
Labels: AERA, education, rural, small schools