Sunday, July 31, 2005
Rural Education in the News This Week
- Grant to help rural education from The Herald-Dispatch
- Education, public health, culture, tourism improved with T-bond funds from the China View
If you know of any headlines, articles, or items that may be of interest to members of the SIG, please post them as a comment to this message.
Monday, July 25, 2005
SIG Announcement Listserv
Dear Dennis Mulcahy:
I am pleased to inform you that an announcement listserv has been set up for the Rural Education Special Interest Group. The purpose of the announcement listserv is to provide SIG Chairs an effective communications tool with which important information about the SIG and AERA can be communicated to SIG members in a timely manner.
The announcement listserv uses an e-mail distribution list of all current members of the Rural Education SIG. The list will be updated by the Central Office on a monthly basis to ensure that all new SIG members can be included. At the present time, only you as the SIG chair have authorized access to the announcement listserv.
Please note that the listserv is text-based, and is not conducive to large file attachments.
I hope this tool will provide an important means of communication with SIG members throughout the year. In using the listserv, please be mindful that the communications should be restricted to SIG-related business and sharing of information pertinent to the SIG. Finally, there is a companion piece to the announcement listserv, an open discussion listserv that is open to voluntary subscription by SIG members to enable ongoing discussion. If you are interested in finding out more about this discussion listserv, please let us know by e-mailing governance-at-aera-dot-net.
Best regards,
Phoebe H. Stevenson
Deputy Executive Director
American Educational Research Association
Tags: aera, rural, education
Friday, July 22, 2005
More rural education in the news...
The Herald-Dispatch
HUNTINGTON - Verizon Communications will present a major grant to Marshall University today to help Marshall expand its educational reach into rural West Virginia communities, Verizon spokesman Lee Gierczynski said Tuesday.
The $250,000 grant, which will be matched by the state and Marshall for a total sum of $500,000, will be targeted toward "distance learning initiatives," Gierczynski said. He said it will be presented to Marshall’s June Harless Center for Rural Educational Research and Development.
Tags: aera, rural, education
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
In the news this week...
A couple of articles that came through my inbox this past week discussing a court case that dealt with the funding of rural schools in Arkansas.
- Arkansas board makes provision for closing some isolated schools from KY3 News website
- Lake View case too limited to spur more consolidation, AG says from the Arkansas News Bureau
If you've seen rural education in the news elsewhere, let us know about it by posting a comment to this entry.
Monday, July 18, 2005
2006 AERA Annual Meeting Submission Deadline
Good Evening,
The deadline for proposal submission for the AERA 2006 Annual Meeting is rapidly approaching. The submission of proposals to Divisions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J will close on August 1. The deadline for submission of proposals is August 2 for Divisions K and L, and all Special Interest Groups. Do not wait, we urge you to submit your proposal as soon as possible to avoid any last minute rush.
We also encourage you to consider volunteering as a reviewer, session chair or discussant for the 2006 Program. To submit a proposal or to volunteer log on to the AERA Web Site at: or click on the following links:
- 2006 Annual Meeting Theme:
- 2006 Annual Meeting Call for Proposals:
- 2006 Annual Meeting Online Submission:
- 2006 Annual Meeting Volunteer link:
Thank you for your support of the association and your profession by taking an active part in the 2006 AERA Annual Meeting.
Best regards,
Robert Smith, CMP, CMM
Director of Meetings
American Educational Research Association
1230 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Friday, July 15, 2005
New Center Added
From their mission statement, they believe that
- Issues affecting rural education cannot be separated from the community and social contexts within which they are embedded;
- Research-based knowledge concerning rural schools and communities is best generated and acted upon when genuine collaborations exist between the University and the communities being served, and;
- The wisdom of practice must be combined with the insights that can be gleaned from scientific research.
In pursuing their mission, their major goals are:
- To foster nationally significant interdisciplinary research alliances and outreach activities that benefit rural education and rural communities;
- To serve as an information clearinghouse on issues affecting rural education and rural communities;
- To act as a convener and bridge between rural schools, and communities at local, state, tribal and national levels.
Go on and take a look at a first class research facility devoted to rural education.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Newsletter Updates
Also, if you have any items for the Fall 2005 edition of the newsletter, please send it to sharon-dot-spall-at-wku-dot-edu by October 1, 2005.
Tags: aera, rural, education
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Web Update
You will also note the addition of two new links on the left-hand bar, placed there at Bob's request:
A link to the SIGs homepageHe also mentioned that AERA will be adding a section called "Beyond AERA" which will include a variety of topics (added incrementally) on events, opportunities, meetings, other items of note related but outside of AERA in the very near future.
A link to press releases
Finally, he noted "some very interesting" traffic from the AERA tag that is included at the bottom of each message (see For those of you that didn't know, essentially what these "tags" do is store all of the blog entries and Flickr photos that people upload on that particular subject. This allows someone interested in AERA to go to this tag and see all of the people that are blogging about AERA and what they are saying.
You will note that to date, most of the traffic has come from this blog site, but over the next few weeks I will be posting messages that discuss blogging and provide how to advice for people to get started with blogging. I would hope that from these entries, that others will start blogging and we can expand the conversation about rural education. To date, I have only been able to locate one other blog on rural education: Mr. Rural ED - Michael Arnold. As I find others, I will announce them and link them into our list (which I hope will start to grow).
Tags: aera, rural, education
Friday, July 08, 2005
Special Update on 2006 Annual Meeting
From the E-Mail Box of the Executive Director
Dear AERA Members:
As you know, the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) is scheduled for San Francisco, California from April 8 to 12. Many of you may also be aware of, or be following, the ongoing labor situation in San Francisco regarding a dispute between the hotel management and the hotel workers' union. At its meeting on June 25th, AERA Council discussed the situation and asked staff to take a number of steps to urge both labor and management to achieve an expeditious settlement.
AERA President Gloria Ladson-Billings and I hope to be able to provide AERA members with a fuller briefing shortly after July 15, 2005. It is our impression that news articles about to be published on the San Francisco labor situation may refer to several of the research societies with Annual Meetings scheduled for San Francisco in 2006, including AERA. We want you to know that the staff and officers of the Association are urging that the dispute be resolved and are aware that we need to take steps to ensure a viable Annual Meeting if current conditions in San Francisco do not change quite soon.
Please be assured that we will notify you, our members, about this situation and 2006 Annual Meeting planning as soon as we have more definitive information. We will provide further updates later in the month. In the meantime, please work on preparing your individual and session proposals for the 2006 Annual Meeting. The submission deadlines of August 1 and 2, 2005 are sooner than they may seem. Also, please consider volunteering to serve as a reviewer or as a session chair or discussant. The 2006 theme, Education Research in the Public Interest, certainly is most timely for our research community and for the publics we serve.
With best wishes for the summer season,
FeliceFelice J. Levine, PhD
Executive Director
Tags: AERA 2006, AERA, rural, education
Thursday, July 07, 2005
From the News
- From The Statesmen in Kolkata,India, "Enlightening lives...with education power"
- From News Gansu in Lanzhou, Gansu, China "Distance education system designed to bridge urban-rural gap in education"
- From RedNova in Dallas, Texas "Rural schools to take case to Lawmakers ; Funding rule change sought"
Tags: aera, rural, education
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Blog Entries on Rural Issues
- Rural Innovation from Nerve Endings Firing Away: Eschew obfuscation
Hope this of interest to you and if you know of other entries on rural education, please send them my way or post them as a comment to this message.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Education Review Publishes Brief Reviews for July 2005
Education Review is an open accessall-electronic journal of book reviewsand has just published its July 2005 collection.These reviews can be accessed directly at:
The books reviewed and their reviewers are as follows:
Braunger, Jane; Donahue, David M.; Evans, Kate & Galguera, Tomás (2004). Rethinking Preparation for Content Area Teaching: The Reading Apprenticeship Approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Reviewed by Naomi Jeffery Petersen, Indiana University South Bend.
Burns, Edward (2004). The Special Education Consultant Teacher: Enabling Children with Disabilities to be Educated with Nondisabled Children to the Maximum Extent Possible. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. Reviewed by Kimberly Maich, Brock University.
Carr, Eileen; Aldinger, Loviah & Patberg, Judythe (2004). Teaching Comprehension: A Systematic and Practical Framework With Lessons and Strategies. New York: Scholastic Teaching Resources. Reviewed by Katie Wester Neal, University of Pennsylvania.
Chu, Godwin C. & Schramm, Wilbur (2004). Learning From Television: What the Research Says. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing. Reviewed by Letitia V. Fowler, Michigan State University.
Davidson, Bob; Davidson, Jan & Vanderkam, Laura (2004).Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting Our Brightest Young Minds. New York: Simon & Schuster. Reviewed by Keely S. Porter, Portland State University.
Drapeau, Patti (2004). Differentiated Instruction: Making It Work: A Practical Guide to Planning, Managing, and Implementing Differentiated Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Learners. New York: Scholastic. Reviewed by Kathy Seibold, Oral Roberts University.
Routman, Regie (2005). Writing Essentials: Raising Expectations and Results While Simplifying Teaching. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Reviewed by Danielle Werts, Portland State University.
Sax, Leonard (2005). Why Gender Matters: What Parentsand Teachers Need to Know About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences. New York: Doubleday. Reviewed by Stephanie Trudeaux, Adams State College.
Shaywitz, Sally (2003). Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level. New York: Knopf/Random House. Reviewed by Paula L. Bjork, Portland State University in Portland.
Simon, Liz (2005). Write as an Expert: Explicit Teaching of Genres. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Reviewed by Louis Lim, PhD student, York University, Toronto, Canada.
Sweeney, Alyse (2004). Teaching the Essentials of Reading with Picture Books: 15 Lessons that Use Favorite Picture Books to Teach Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary. New York: Scholastic Teaching Resources. Reviewed by Pam Guess, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Vuko, Evelyn Porreca (2004). Teacher Says: 30 Foolproof Ways to Help Kids Thrive in School. New York: Berkley Publishing Group Reviewed by Darcus D. Smith, University of Oklahoma.
Kate Corby, Brief Reviews Editor
Gene V Glass, Editor
Gustavo Fischman, Editor for Spanish & Portuguese
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Tags: aera, rural, education